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God has blessed Rev. Diedra J.A. Walters with gifts and graces and a strong desire to give herself away to further the building of His kingdom and the healing of His people. God has sowed this passion into the fabric of her being. 

She sows seeds of love, hope and peace, as well as nurture God’s people. Her goal for God is to win souls for Him by sharing the plan of salvation. In her current appointment she serves as the Associate Pastor of Faith Methodist Church in Dickinson, Texas under the leadership of her Senior Pastor, Rev. Johnnie Simpson, Jr.

One of the greatest gifts she is thankful for are the children - for they are truly gifts from God as written in Psalms 127:3, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” She is committed to empowering and teaching the youth to embrace and achieve the divine plan for their lives. Pastor Walters call is to enrich our youth lives through ministry and programs. Currently, Pastor Walters is a matriculating student of the Course of Study School which is an extension of the Perkins School of Theology in Lufkin, TX.


She was the second child born of four children and only girl to the proud parents of Dr. James and Delores Anderson who are both native Texans. Her parents currently reside in Orangeburg, South Carolina.  Pastor Walters has lived all over the United States and has had the opportunity to travel within the States and abroad. In 1981 she graduated from Baker Sr. High School in Baker, Louisiana.

She matriculated at Prairie View A&M University and transferred to Indiana University graduating with a degree in biology in 1986. On February 15, 1987 she moved to Galveston, Texas from Methuen, Massachusetts, so that she could be independent, build upon her personal relationship with God, start her professional career at UTMB with over 28 years of service. On June 9, 1990 she married her soul mate, Marvin J. Walters of 27 years and to their union they were blessed with two amazing children, Daria and Marcellus Walters. Pastor Walters has two living step sons Marvin, Jr. and Harold and two step children who have gone on to glory, Gyla and Leslie Walters and two grandsons Harold, Jr. and Silas Walters.

Diedra Walters

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